June 8, 2009

Pork Shack Update

Here's the finished shelter for the piggies, lovingly named The Pork Shack! This took my wife and I most of the day to make, and the best part, we had all the material already. So total cost for new material $0.00, Love it!!

We also ran pipe out to the pen from the garage, that one almost put Cathy, my Wife, in the hospital. So now the piggies have their own spigot, and I don't have to toe water to 'em.

So far they have been sleeping under it, mostly in the hottest part of the day.We haven't had any rain lately so I don't know how water tight it is yet, guess we'll find out as soon as the rainy season gets here,if that ever happens... hehehe.

Newest June Goats

So I'm walking thru the goat barn the other day and what do I see two white feed sacks all wadded up in the corner as I went to pick up the sacks they jumped up and ran off, It was two little alpine kids that we were expecting, just not right then.

They are both white with black markings
one buckling and one doeling, the kids have named them Bonnie and Clyde because they have black eye markings that look like the typical bandit mask.

Here's a better view of the two of them

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