Well Its been a little busy around here lately and I haven't posted anything in a while, and I was going thru some farm pixs , so I figured I'd post a few for your viewing pleasure, hope you like 'em!
This one is of Clemetine or mini donkey, she's so sweet, she lets the chickens ride around on here back!

Here are two of the many Alpine goat kids that we have had around here, they are always alot of fun.

I took this while playing around with the settings on the camera, this guy is now named Poindexter, He has since turned all black and is in the running to be the herd bull around here.

Again I was messin with the camera and got this nosey donkey, Its Darlin , she was born here on our place, she's also in the next picture as a newborn too.

And a shot of some of the many different colors of chickens around here, they make some good eggs!
So there you go , I hope to get back to some frequent posts here soon, Thanks for coming bye!