September 7, 2009

Lucille on the milker.

We have started share milking, that is taking some milk from Lucille while keeping the calf on her for his milk. Now before anyone starts to call the SPCA , Lucille wont give away more than she needs for the calf, she just wont do it! This cow has a built in faucet, that she can turn off at will, or at least she acts like she can. So anyway , Lil' Roller isn't hurting for milk that's for sure!

So without further delay, here for your picture viewing pleasure...the photos
Here is the star of the show, or at least he thinks so. He's gettin' brave anymore. That's Lucille hooked up to the milking machine, she's eating so don't bother her she's eating.

He is getting bigger by the day, and nosy too!

He can't wait for his turn!

Well that's all for now, we'll see ya nest time!

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