November 25, 2009

Pasture Rotation: Moved 'em to the Winter Pasture.

Or, How not to adjust Electric Fence!

We spent most of Saturday morning setting up the electric fence so we could move the cows over to the winter pasture, it was a shocking experience, to say the least! We set T-Posts every 20 feet with a rebar post every 10 feet in between just to keep the line from sagging, this works out pretty good. Once the post were in we string the wire, mark with flags, make sure your not shorted out and then turn her on and Bingo, electric fence!
Then, for me at least, the fun began. I was to lazy to walk over and unplug the fence charger that was only 40 or so feet away,worse yet my mom was right next to it and asked me if I wanted to turn it off! So I start adjusting the height......zapppp!!! It got me , not to bad, just through my gloves that were wet with a little perspiration , so I shrugged that one off , rubbed some dirt on it and continued adjusting. At this point you might think a grown man of forty some odd years would smarten up a little and go unplug the fence charger, nope, that ain't the way it went down. That aforementioned fella kept on adjusting that fence, and getting buzzed a total of two more times before he asked for some help and had mom shut the power down on that infernal contraption, That last shock almost took my shoulder out of socket trying to turn loose of that damned wire!! It was a real fun time!!
So for all you would be electric fence builders, make sure you turn off the juice before you do any "on the fly" repairs...just fyi !!

p.s. photo's later , when my fingers get the feeling back in them!

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