February 8, 2010

New Farm Dogs

We have a had a few additions to the Farm dogs around here, my next door neighbors, who are also my sister and brother in law, have adopted a small terrier mix and what looks like a boxer mix, both are good looking dogs!
This little guy is scooter, he looks like a small pit bull mix, but he loves the chickens, maybe a little too much! He is fast too, he can tree the barn cats in nothing flat! Scooter here needs some further training on what he can and cannot eat. He appears to be making progress, I haven't seen a dead chicken in a few days! The big white beast in the background is Tanner, he is the old man around here now since Ben passed on! Tanner gets more mellow by the day, and could care less about the chickens, He is turning into a good farm dog.

This guy is Buddy, he is way more laid back than Scooter, but if scooter starts the chase, Buddy will bring up the rear. Buddy is a good porch dog, he would rather lay by your feet on the porch than just about anything. We all approve of the new mutts!

January Updates

January was a wet month for us around here, and cold too. I'm glad for the rain, but enough is enough already! We are about to float away.
The Garden preps are going good when the rain permits, I constructed a seed starting rack from a bakers rack we had and two florescent light fixtures, to see a step by step build, check it out here.

The cows are doing well, they are waiting for the green grass of spring, Aren't we all!! We did have a loss in Jan. Cookie one of our Jersey milkers passed on, were gonna miss that one! She was a good milker.

Well that's about it for now, next thing we have going on is goats kidding in a few weeks, and the pigs farrowing around March 12, If our calculations are correct.

As always we will keep you updated on all things farm out here, Until the Stay Dry!


Charles Rinehart said...

Jon, Thanks for visiting my Florida Fishing Piers blog and leaving a comment. Your blog is excellent. I love animals. Especially hound dogs. The photos are great. You look like a regular guy that is honest, hard working, and has alot of integrity. I consider myself the same. I consider these pretty rare in todays world. My grandma from Georgia taught me many good things, and I feel I'm a better person by following her advice. All the best to you and the family.

Dirty Girl Gardening said...

the doggies are adorable... great farm help, I'm sure.

Jon said...

Hey Charles No problem, Thanks for the kind comments , hope you come back often, and best wishes to your family and you as well!

Jon said...

Hi Jennifer,
Thanks for stopping by!
yea they do help out alot,sometime hehehe. most of the time they just lay around! I checked out your blooger site, loved it! i'll check the other one at home, im blocked at work! well enjoy your farming!