May 5, 2010

New Dairy Calf and Large Black Hogs!!

Last Sunday we went to pick up a Large Black boar hog from a local breeder here in the area, on the way back with the hog, my sister called and said one of the dairy heifers was in labor.  We got home and found Sweetpea, who was born here two years ago, already in labor with hooves coming out!

Sweetpea, the new Momma

  In about the fastest labor i have seen, she had the calf delivered in about an hour!  And sweet Lilly came into the world!
Sweet Lilly

 After cleanup its time for a nap, here she is catching some shut eye!
Sleepy time

 And with all the excitement, we didnt get any picture of the hog, we'll thats another post anyway!!


Here is a picture of the Large Black Hog, His name is Sammy, or Sam or Samuel, don't matter he don't come to ya anyway! 
Large Black Hog