April 10, 2009

April 9th, double whammy at the farm!

Before I left for work this morning at 5:00am, I stopped by to check on Cookie who was due any day. I found Cookie by the barn, no calf yet , but I could tell she was close.
Well sure enough mom called later to say a bull calf was born and both were doing well. Here is the newest edition. Fast forward to around 8:50 pm, I went to check on a nubian nanny that was also round with kid, she was laying in the corner of the goat shed , but something was different, she was too quiet , and sure enough she was busy pushing out a kid. Then another , and another for a total of three doelings. Well I sure thought that was the end of the kids for this one, but no, when I went to check on them this morning I found another kid that she had aftyer we all left last night. So we set a new farm record last night , four kids from one goat....and I think Saucey , the mamma goat , set a personal best...........Oh the things you will see .

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